Madam Prudence
2 min readJan 23, 2022


— Untitled — Unknown chapter 1.1

Exhausted. Pulse rising. She keeps on running.

It’s bright. Too bright. She’s out of breath but she keeps on running.

He closed in on her. She’s been found. How? She can feel all her resolve melting away. All those years? I have to get away from here.

A tight grip on her wrist stopped her in her tracks. She looked at him. He gave her a mischievous grin full of open malice. It’s a familiar sight that melted her insides in an expected way. She was prepared this will break down her defenses.

It was part of the plan.

It needed to break to be built again.

Seyla frantically opened her eyes. She was blind for a second before gaining back her sight. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of the room. Through the window covered by sheer white curtains, the room is engulfed in sunlight. She saw the wood panel in the ceiling. It had the original brown varnish on it, but it had been coated with an off-white paint that’s starting to fade now.

A few more seconds passed before she realized where she was.

She decided to stay in the same position for a few minutes. She was not as shaken as she thought she would be.

It’s been a year since she dreamt of a prophecy. She’s been avoiding the responsibility it entails. She was sightless when she transferred to Celeridad. That’s the reason why she moved here to the east; to a place where the sun never sets. The city of perpetual light. She wanted the visions to stop.

Seyla amazes herself how she maintained sanity without calm midnight. She had to let go of her night for this. But now that the prophecy caught up with her, she wonders why she had to leave in the first place.

She got up and decided to go outside. She superstitiously turned the knob five times as a sort of mantra before opening the door.

The cold, arctic breeze greeted her bare face as she stepped outside the cabin. It never fails to send chills through the nape of her neck to the length of her arms. She’s never been a fan of the cold but she learned to welcome it every day.

Seyla strolled towards the path of the clearing. She’s taking her time, absorbing as much of the surroundings as she can. She has known no peace since she was brought to this world. The serenity of the year was a blessing. But now she has to prepare. Experience has taught her this much; the prophecy will transpire in nine days.

— — — — — — —

Stuck in the same page for ages

But, baby, you’re ageless

And fate is in our hands somehow

